Wednesday 26th  
13:30-13:40 Welcome  
  S1 Foams  
13:40-14:30 P1 Wiebke Drenckhan (ICS, Strasbourg) When physics wins over chemistry: pores size control in polyurethane foams
14:30-14:50 T1 Alice Requier  (LPS, Orsay) Foam coarsening in a yield stress fluid
14:50-15:10 T2 Marwan Chammouma (ICS, Strasbourg) Guided mechanical self-assembly of bubbles towards novel foam structures
15:10-15:50 Coffee Break  
15:50-16:10   T3 Jean Farago  (ICS, Strasbourg) Analytical description of elastocapillary membranes held by a needle
16:10-16:30 T4 Etienne Huguet (ILM, Lyon) Solidification of liquid plaster foams : rheology and structure
16:30-16:50 T5 Rajam Elancheliyan (ICS, Strasbourg) From Liquid to Solid: Crafting Silicone Foams from Liquid Templates
16:50-17:10 T6 Christophe Raufaste (Univ. Côte d'Azur) Drainage of vertical soap films
17:30-19:30 Poster Session  
Thursday 27th  
  S2 Colloids and Interfaces  
09:00-9:50 P2 Christophe Ybert (ILM, Lyon) Interfacial phenomena and flows
09:50-10:10 T7  Oriane Bonhomme (ILM, Lyon)  Optical signature of surfactant adsorption at air/liquid interface 
10:10-10:30 T8 Clément Marque (ICS, Strasbourg) Dynamics of microparticles interacting with charged lipid vesicles
10:30-11:10 Coffee break  
11:10-11:30 T9  William Fall (LPS, Saclay)  Complex Smectic Phases in Polymer Grafted Colloidal Nano-Crystals
11:30-12:20 P3  Pierre-Francois Brevet  (ILM, Lyon) Non linear optics of nanoparticles and interfaces
12:20-13:40 Lunch Break  
  S3 Biophysics  
13:40-14:30 P4 Daniel Riveline (IGBMC, Strasbourg) Self-organisation of organoids: experiments and theory
14:30-14:50 T10  Rémi Berthoz (IGBMC, Strasbourg) Mechano-chemical coupling in the acto-myosin cytoskeleton under Rho regulation
14:50-15:10 T11 Linjie Lu (IGBMC, Strasbourg) Rules of self-organisation in organoids: dynamics and morphology
15:10-15:30 T12 André Marie (IGBMC, Strasbourg) Interaction of epithelial cysts: coalescence of cell monolayers and fusion of lumens.
15:30-16:00   Coffee break  
   S4 Membranes and (bio)polymers  
16:00-16:20   T13  Hao Yuan (ILM, Lyon) Proteins interacting with metals. Addressing the structure-(nonlinear) optical property relationship
16:20-16:40 T14  Burkhard Bechinger (Univ. Strasbourg) Mechanism of action and lipid-mediated synergistic interactions of antimicrobial peptides: New regulatory options for membrane proteins?
16:40-17:00 T15  Swen Helstroffer (ICS, Strasbourg) Probing the emergence of electrostatic attraction between like-charged phospholipid membranes  
17:00-17:20 T16 Ludovic Gardré (ILM, Lyon)   Modelling changes of dielectric permittivity within stacks of charged lipid bilayers 
17:20-17:40 T17 Hendrik Meyer (ICS, Strasbourg) Knots in polymer melts and thin films
17:40-18:00 T18  Friedrich Walzel (ICS, Strasbourg) Dilatational interfacial shear rheology with general stress decomposition for silicon capsules and PSS/PAH multilayers
18:00-19:30 Poster Session  
Friday 28th  
  S5  Active Matter and non-equilibrium Phenomena
08:50-09:40 P5 Hélène Delanoë-Ayari (ILM, Lyon) Dense Active Particles: Unveiling Rheological Similarities to Cellular Tissues through Stokes Experimentation"
09:40-10:00 T19  Florent Fessler (ICS, Strasbourg) Dynamics of Active Colloid Engulfment by Giant Lipid Vesicles
10:00-10:20 T20 Zhenghan Feng  (IPCMS, Strasbourg) Supramolecular metallopolymeric gels photo-responsive under visible light
10:20-10:55 Coffee Break  
10:55-11:15 T21 Lydiane Bécu (LCP, Metz) Colloidal self-assembly driven by magnetic fields
11:15-11:35 T22 Bruno Issenmann (ILM, Lyon) Viscosity of supercooled water and aqueous solutions by Differential Dynamic Microscopy
11:35-11:55 Closing session (awards)  
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