After Strasoft2021 and  Strasoft2022, this year the ICS and ILM labs organize a meeting to stimulate discussions between different groups and laboratories working in the broad field of Complex Matter and Interfaces.
The scope of this meeting will include  polymers, films, membranes,  complex fluids, wetting,  active matter, biophysics, colloids, nanoparticles, microfluidics, confinement, chirality and out of equilibrium phenomena.
The aim is to encourage students and researchers (Master, PhDs, Postdocs and others) to present their activities, providing an opportunity for scientific discussions and future collaborations.

The meeting will begin at 13:30 on 26th, June and will finish at 12:30 on 28th, June. It will take place at Amphithéâtre Carnot and Weiss, in the Physics Faculty of University of Strasbourg.

At the end of the meeting, 4 Prizes will be awarded: 2 Springer book vouchers of 150 euros by our sponsor European Physical Journal E, 2 prizes of 100 euros by our sponsor Soft Matter (RSC).





  • "Mechanically driven assembly of elastocapillary objects" Wiebke Drenckhan (ICS Strasbourg)
  • "Dense Active Particles: Unveiling Rheological Similarities to Cellular Tissues through Stokes ExperimentationHélène Delanoë-Ayari (ILM Lyon)
  • ''Self-organisation of organoids: experiments and theory'' Daniel Riveline (IGBMC Strasbourg)
  • "Interfacial phenomena and flows" Christophe Ybert (ILM Lyon)
  • "Non linear optics of nanoparticles and interfaces" Pierre-François Brevet (ILM Lyon)
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